

누가 부정 선거를 믿는가? 2020년 미국 대통령 선거에서 유권자의 포퓰리즘 성향이 선거 불신에 미치는 영향

제목(영문) “Who Believes in Election Fraud? Populist Attitudes and Election Distrust in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election”
저자 권희진, 하상응
키워드 election distrust, populism, populist attitudes, the US presidential election, democracy
권희진(제1저자), 하상응(교신저자)

This study empirically examines how populist attitudes among U.S. voters influenced election distrust in the 2020 presidential election. Drawing on the 2020 American National Election Studies (ANES), the analysis shows that voters with stronger populist inclinations were more likely to distrust the election results. Key control variables, including age, education, race, government trust, voting behavior, party identification, and conservatism, also significantly affected election distrust. Notably, conservative populist voters exhibited even higher levels of distrust compared to their less conservative counterparts. The study highlights the unique threat posed by persistent suspicions of election fraud in undermining democratic institutions, distinguishing them from traditional conspiracy theories. This article underscores the need to be cautious of political figures who appeal to populist sentiments with simplistic rhetoric, as this can further erode trust in democracy.