

테러와의 전쟁과 동성애규범성

제목(영문) War on Terror and Homonormativity
저자 고강일
키워드 War on Terror, homonormativity, sexual minorities, consumption capitalism, patriotic militarism, homonationalism, economic disparities, racial injustice
This essay examines how homonormative incorporation of certain LGBT individuals into the US national body during the War on Terror has exacerbated racial inequality and economic insecurity within American society. Building on Lisa Duggan's notion of homonormativity as cultural politics colluding with heteronormative institutions and culture, this essay addresses the historical trajectory of homonormativity in early and mid-20th century American society. The essay traces the path of certain sexual minorities in the United States since 9/11, indicating that they have become part of the nation-state. My article interrogates how they assimilate into mainstream American society with the complicity of the U.S. consumption capitalism, patriotic militarism and homonationalism during the War on Terror. I consider the ways in which homonormativity operates as cultural discourse, driving such problematic assimilation. In the end, this essay concludes that homonormativity has served to reinforce economic disparities and racial injustice within the LGBT community since 9/11.