전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
46 2000년대제목(영문)저자정상준 ( Sang Jun Jeong )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
45 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : Constitutional Reelism and Popular Star: The Case of Henry Fonda저자안경환 ( Kyong Whan Ahn )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
44 2000년대연구논문 : 미국 예외론의 맹점다운로드제목(영문)Articles : Blind Spots in American Exceptionalism저자배영수 ( Young Soo Bae )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
43 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : The Place of John Dewey in American Intellectual History저자이형대 ( Hyung Dae Lee )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
42 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : A Study on Early African-American Women Novelists저자천승걸 ( Seung Gul Czon )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
41 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : Signifying Race at the Intersection of Gender, Class, and Nation저자신문수 ( Moon Su Shin )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
40 2000년대제목(영문)Book Review : Unintended outcomes of democratic reform and its alternative (Politics by other means, Benjamin Ginsberg and Martin Shefter, 1999. Diminished Democracy: From Membership to Management in American Civic Life, Theda Skocpol, 2003저자안병진 ( Byong Jin Ahn )출처Vol. 26키워드2003
39 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : Technology and Democracy in America: A View of American Cultural Identity저자신문수 ( Moon Su Shin )출처Vol. 26키워드2003
38 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : The Origins of White Supremacy Revisited저자배영수 ( Young Soo Bae )출처Vol. 26키워드2003
37 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : American Religion and the Pursuit of Identity저자김종서 ( Chong Suh Kim )출처Vol. 26키워드2003