전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
16 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : A Prospect of Theatrical representation of "Comfort Women` to the Feminist aesthetics: Centering on Lavonne Mueller`s Splendid Hotel저자최영주 ( Young Joo Choi )출처Vol. 24키워드2001
15 2000년대연구논문 : 다문화주의를 넘어서다운로드제목(영문)Articles : Beyond Multiculturalism저자정상준 ( Sang Jun Jeong )출처Vol. 24키워드2001
14 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : Multiculturalism and August Wilson`s Black Cultural Nationalism저자이원주 ( Won Joo Lee )출처Vol. 24키워드2001
13 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : Single Issue Politics and American Party System저자백창재 ( Chang Jae Baik )출처Vol. 24키워드2001
12 2000년대제목(영문)저자박은정 ( Eun Jung Park )출처Vol. 24키워드2001
11 2000년대제목(영문)Book Review : Book Review of A Study of the Great Depression in the 1930s: A Labor Historian`s Critique to the Economists` Interpretations on the Great Depression저자김진희 ( Jin Hee Kim )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
10 2000년대제목(영문)Book Review : For a New Problematization of Imperialism저자김택현 ( Taek Hyun Kim )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
9 2000년대제목(영문)저자Robert S. Fogarty출처Vol. 23키워드2000
8 2000년대특집논문 : 북미주 학계와 선불교다운로드제목(영문)Featured Articles : North American Academe and Meditation Buddhism저자김종명 ( Jong Myung Kim )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
7 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Historical Prospect of American Military in the 21st Century저자하영선 ( Young Sun Ha )출처Vol. 23키워드2000