전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
6 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The U.S. Leading Indicator as a Source of Expectational Shocks저자오성환 ( Sung Hwan Oh )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
5 2000년대특집논문 : 미국 대외 경제정책 변천다운로드제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Evolution of the U.S. Trade Policy저자박태호 ( Tae Ho Bark )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
4 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : Economic Crisis and the Role of Federal Government in America: Cases in the 1930s and 1980s저자김남두 ( Nam Doo Kim )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
3 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : Multiculturalism and Consumer culture: Consumerism and American Identity저자정상준 ( Sang Jun Jeong )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
2 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : Prospect of the American Education in the 21st Century: Its Conservative Wave and Progressive Legacy저자이성호 ( Seong Ho Lee )출처Vol. 23키워드2000
1 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : Conservative Churches and New Religious Movements in Contemporary America저자김종서 ( Chong Suh Kim )출처Vol. 23키워드2000