전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
106 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : American Educational System and Korean Reception ; The American Engineering Education저자조벽 ( Peck Cho )출처31-2키워드2008
105 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : American Educational System and Korean Reception ; Legal Education in the United States: Past, Present, and Future저자이재협 ( Jae Hyup Lee )출처31-2키워드2008
104 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : American Educational System and Korean Reception ; Medical Education in United States저자박주현 ( Joo Hyun Park )출처31-2키워드2008
103 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : American Educational System and Korean Reception ; Reform and Issues of American Secondary Education저자박세훈 ( Sae Hoon Park )출처31-2키워드2008
102 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : American Educational System and Korean Reception ; The Idea of the American Research University in the Evolutionary Trajectory of Korean Universities: the Case of Seoul National University저자김기석 ( Ki Seok Kim ), 우용제 ( Yong Je Woo )출처31-2키워드2008
101 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : American Higher Education, 1636-2008저자김성복 ( Sung Bok Kim )출처31-2키워드2008
100 2000년대제목(영문)저자윤수진출처31-1키워드2008
99 2000년대제목(영문)저자김의영 ( Eui Young Kim )출처31-1키워드2008
98 2000년대제목(영문)Articles : The Relative Autonomy of Individuals in the Bi-polar System and the Power of Contingency in Conspiracy: “A Zero in the System” in Don DeLillo’s Libra저자이동환출처31-1키워드2008
97 2000년대제목(영문)저자민은경 ( Eun Kyung Min )출처31-1키워드2008