전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
56 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : England`s World Hegemony and France in the Eighteenth Century저자김경근 ( Kyung Keun Kim )출처Vol. 28키워드2005
55 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Nature of the World System in the Age of Pax Americana저자백창재 ( Chang Jae Baik )출처Vol. 28키워드2005
54 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Maintenance and Defense of a Global Empire: the Military Power and Strategy of Britain, 1880~1945저자조용욱 ( Yong Ook Jo )출처Vol. 28키워드2005
53 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The British State System and the Empire during the Eighteenth Century저자이영석 ( Young Suk Lee )출처Vol. 28키워드2005
52 2000년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Dutch East India Company and Asian Commerce: the First Phase of Globalization저자주경철 ( Kyung Chul Jou )출처Vol. 28키워드2005
51 2000년대제목(영문)Book Reviews : American Economic and Cultural Expansion: Extending Privately Owned Marketplace - Emily S. Rosenberg`s Spreading the American Dream: American Economic and Cultural Expansion, 1890~1945저자박구병 ( Koo Byung Park )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
50 2000년대제목(영문)Book Reviews : Unveiling Backstage of the Empire: Amy Kaplan`s The Anarchy of Empire in the Making of U.S. Culture저자박진빈 ( Jin Bin Park )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
49 2000년대제목(영문)저자Dennis Florig출처Vol. 27키워드2004
48 2000년대제목(영문)저자안지현 ( Jee Hyun An )출처Vol. 27키워드2004
47 2000년대제목(영문)저자Yoshiaki Sato출처Vol. 27키워드2004