전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
43 2010년대제목(영문)Articles : The Internalization of ISO14000 in Korea and the Role of Government저자박진실 ( Jin Sil Park )출처36-1키워드2013
42 2010년대제목(영문)Articles : Study of Threat Perception in Decision Making Process: A Case of ‘Germany First’ Strategy저자조재원 ( Jae-Won Cho )출처36-1키워드2013
41 2010년대제목(영문)Articles : Eros and Thanatos in Chopin``s The Awakening저자이선주 ( Son Ju Yi )출처36-1키워드2013
40 2010년대제목(영문)Articles : United States Army Reform in the Early 20th Century: The Period of Reform Completion (1914-1916)저자설인효 ( In Hyo Seol )출처36-1키워드2013
39 2010년대제목(영문)Articles : 2012 U.S. Presidential Election and Challenges for the Republican Party저자이재묵 ( Jae Mook Lee )출처36-1키워드2013
37 2010년대제목(영문)저자정상준 ( Sangjun Jeong )출처35-2키워드2012
36 2010년대제목(영문)Articles : The Blackface Humor on the Minstrel Stage: The Shape of Racism, Sentimentalism, and Mass Culture in Nineteenth-Century America저자이동환 ( Dong-hwan Lee )출처35-2키워드2012
35 2010년대제목(영문)저자Robert T. Albrecht출처35-2키워드2012
34 2010년대제목(영문)저자Michael F. Hopkins출처35-2키워드2012