전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
163 2010년대제목(영문)“A Defeat Without Surrender”: Beyond the Heteronormative Horizon in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening저자김현수출처미국학 43.1키워드2020
162 2010년대제목(영문)No Gun Ri Massacre and The Battle of Changjin Reservoir: The Korean War in Lark and Termite and The Coldest Night저자유재은출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
161 2010년대제목(영문)The Waiting or the Wily Wife?: History, Memory and Performance in Adrienne Kennedy's The Alexander Plays저자류예슬출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
160 2010년대제목(영문)“Hopeless Hopes Ennobled”: Yank's Struggle to Belong in O'Neill's The Hairy Ape저자이용화출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
159 2010년대제목(영문)Jeff Wall’s Politics of Representation of the Other저자강의혁출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
158 2010년대제목(영문)“In the Gothic Mirror”: Reflections of Female Monstrosity in “The Long Arm”저자정혜연출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
157 2010년대제목(영문)A Study on the Violence and Gender of the Patriarchal System Hidden in the Drawing Lots in “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games저자장정윤출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
156 2010년대제목(영문)A Study on Expandability and Exclusiveness of American ‘Whiteness of America’저자이수영출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
155 2010년대제목(영문)“The Dickensian Lives of City Children”: Urban Pedagogy and David Simon’s The Wire저자Kelly Walsh출처미국학 42.1키워드2019
154 2010년대제목(영문)In the Log Cabin with My Favorite Player: Appreciating Traditional American Masculinity Through Homoerotic Language in Baseball저자Hyerin Shin, Sue Hyun Jie출처미국학 42.1키워드2019