전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
90 1990년대제목(영문)저자유명숙출처Vol. 14키워드1991
89 1990년대제목(영문)저자Songok H. Thornton & William H. Thornton출처Vol. 14키워드1991
88 1990년대제목(영문)Articles : The Juxtaposition of Two Voices: Nabokov`s Critique of Modernism in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight and Pale Fire저자이귀우 ( Gui Woo Lee )출처Vol. 14키워드1991
87 1990년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : New Criticism Revisited and Murray Krieger in the Postmodern Age저자정정호 ( Chung Ho Chung )출처Vol. 14키워드1991
86 1990년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : Modernist Age and the Dilemma of Romantic Sensibility in Tennessee Williams`s Plays저자변창구 ( Chang Ku Byun )출처Vol. 14키워드1991
85 1990년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Modernity of Stein and Anderson저자김길중 ( Kil Joong Kim )출처Vol. 14키워드1991
84 1990년대제목(영문)Featured Articles : The Second Expansion: Modernism in American Poetry저자황동규 ( Tong Gyu Hwang )출처Vol. 14키워드1991