전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
473 2010년대제목(영문)Jeff Wall’s Politics of Representation of the Other저자강의혁출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
472 2010년대제목(영문)“In the Gothic Mirror”: Reflections of Female Monstrosity in “The Long Arm”저자정혜연출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
471 2010년대제목(영문)A Study on the Violence and Gender of the Patriarchal System Hidden in the Drawing Lots in “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games저자장정윤출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
470 2010년대제목(영문)A Study on Expandability and Exclusiveness of American ‘Whiteness of America’저자이수영출처미국학 42.2키워드2019
469 2010년대제목(영문)“The Dickensian Lives of City Children”: Urban Pedagogy and David Simon’s The Wire저자Kelly Walsh출처미국학 42.1키워드2019
468 2010년대제목(영문)In the Log Cabin with My Favorite Player: Appreciating Traditional American Masculinity Through Homoerotic Language in Baseball저자Hyerin Shin, Sue Hyun Jie출처미국학 42.1키워드2019
467 2010년대제목(영문)Names and the Journey to Define a Multicultural Identity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake저자Laura Ahn출처미국학 42.1키워드2019
466 2010년대제목(영문)FTA Voting in the U.S. House of Representatives and Presidential Foreign Policy: In Cases of the U.S.-Morocco FTA, U.S.-Bahrain저자최민진출처미국학 42.1키워드2019
465 2010년대제목(영문)U.S.-China Trade Dispute and 2018 US Midterm Elections: Does International Economic Environment Affect the Gubernatorial Electio저자장혜영출처미국학 42.1키워드2019