전체 533
번호 카테고리 제목 제목(영문) 저자 출처 키워드
453 2010년대제목(영문)Selling Political Brands and Building Candidate Relational Equity in American Campaign Tournaments저자Hyun Jung Yun출처40-2키워드2017
452 2010년대제목(영문)American Dream and New Management in Alfred P. Sloan’s Adventures of a White-Collar Man저자Kwangjin Lee출처40-2키워드2017
451 2010년대연구논문: Internal Desires, Questions of Identities and External Outcomes in Nella Larsen’s Passing다운로드제목(영문)Internal Desires, Questions of Identities and External Outcomes in Nella Larsen’s Passing저자Laura Ahn출처40-2키워드2017
450 2010년대제목(영문)An Ethic of Adaptation (Studies): > (2002) and > (2016)저자김수연출처40-2키워드2017
449 2010년대제목(영문)Women “Hanging”: Subaltern, Voices, and Joy Harjo’s Poetry저자김성훈출처40-2키워드2017
448 2010년대제목(영문)Rereading John Steinbeck's “The Snake”: the Snake as a Fascinating and Horrible Abject저자김명주출처40-2키워드2017
447 2010년대제목(영문)Desire for Symbolic Whiteness in A Gesture Life저자권영희출처40-1키워드2017
446 2010년대제목(영문)The Uncomfortable Relation between Masculinity and Democracy in The Plot against America저자권지은출처40-1키워드2017
445 2010년대제목(영문)“I would sing … your song”: Story-weaving, Halfbreed Poetics in Wendy Rose’s Poetry저자김성훈출처40-1키워드2017
444 2010년대제목(영문)New Minorities in Orange County: Life Space and Re-territorialization저자김정규출처40-1키워드2017