

Teaching American studies as an interdisciplinary program


This book is the proceedings of the 1993 ASI/SNU American Studies International Seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to examine basic problems that we may face when planning to implement American studies program in Korean universities. For the scholars from abroad, this international seminar provided a good chance to test their hypotheses, presenting their findings or articularting their ideas. For Korean scholars, it could be a good opportunity to acquire some vital knowledge and methodology indispensable to the successful implmentation of an American studies degree program in their universities.



Part I: American Studies in the US

What American Studies Does / WAYNE FRANKLIN
American Studies Today / ERIC J. SANDEEN
Issues in Teaching American Studies / LAWRENCE W. CHISOLM


Part II: American Studies outside the US
The Study of the United States in the Philippines and Asia: Problems and Proposals / CHARLES H. STEVENSON
American Studies at Home and Abroad: Two Paradigms in Search of a Country / DONALD A. DEBATS


Part III: American Studies in Korea
American Studies in Korea: The Past, Present and Future / YONG-KWON KIM
Lauching an American Studies Program at a Korean University / SANGOK LEE
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