Director’s Welcome
Greetings, welcome to the American Studies Institute at Seoul National University. Established in 1976, the Institute has for four decades pursued its founding vision of developing and promoting interdisciplinary American studies. The Institute seeks to go beyond simply analyzing US-Korean relations and to foster a regional study of American history, culture, law, politics, economy, and society.
As an education, research and information hub for American studies in Korea, the Institute served as a place of medium and opportunity to evaluate the role of the U.S. at a global level to more acutely understand its relationship with Korea. We are confident and proud to have successfully established a number of channels of international partnership with numerous other institutions around the world, which should be shown through our regular publication, the American Studies.
On behalf of the Institute, I cordially invite you to be part of our grand community. Be encouraged to help us to continue to build lasting legacies and to realize our vision.
Thank you very much.
Dongshin Yi